
Bursting Anxiety Series

Casting Your Cares

Scripture: 1 Peter 5:7 - "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."


Welcome to Day 1 of this journey toward bursting the bubble of anxiety that can often weigh us down. Today, we’re starting with a simple but powerful truth: God cares deeply for you.

Have you ever carried something heavy for so long that you didn’t even realize how much it was straining you until you finally set it down? Anxiety can feel just like that. It sneaks up on us, slowly piling up until it becomes a burden we weren’t meant to carry.

But here’s the good news: You don’t have to carry it alone. God invites you to cast all your anxiety on Him. Not just some of it, or the parts you think He can handle—but all of it. The small worries, the big fears, the nagging doubts—every single one of them. Why? Because He cares for you, more than you can imagine.

Think about that for a moment. The Creator of the universe, the One who spoke the stars into existence, cares about your worries. He’s not too busy, not too distant, not too uninterested. He’s right here, ready to take on whatever’s weighing you down.

But what does it mean to “cast” your anxiety on Him? Picture yourself holding a heavy bag filled with all your worries, fears, and stresses. Now, imagine taking that bag and throwing it into the arms of God. When you cast your cares on Him, you’re actively choosing to trust that He can handle them better than you can.

This isn’t just a one-time act; it’s a daily, sometimes hourly, practice. Every time anxiety starts to creep back in, remind yourself that God is there, ready and willing to take that burden from you.

As you go through today, start to identify the things that are causing you stress or worry. It might be a situation at work, a relationship that’s strained, or just the general uncertainties of life. Take each of those anxieties, name them, and consciously hand them over to God in prayer. You can even say something simple like, “Lord, I’m giving this to you because I know you care for me.”

Let today be the day you start to lighten your load by giving it all to Him. Remember, He’s got you, and He cares deeply about every detail of your life.


"Lord, thank You for caring about me so much that You want to carry my burdens. Help me to release my anxieties to You today and trust that You will handle them with Your love and wisdom. Teach me to cast all my cares on You, knowing that You are more than able to carry them. Amen."

As you meditate on this verse today, let it be a reminder that you are not alone in your struggles. God is with you, ready to take on anything that comes your way. Rest in His care, and let your heart be at peace.